Thursday, December 17, 2009

A ripped sleeve and a flying cat......... think your day was crazy...just wait.

Here's a glimpse into one day at the Wallace house..just a glimpse..the total view would scare you to death!

Thursday morning I wake up with a cat sitting on my head..literally.

Her dad has left for work and locked her in the bedroom with me to prevent her from murdering our Christmas tree. Bella decides she can not wait for the 8:30 am alarm I have set and so instead she creeps up the side of the bed and ever so gently crawls on top of my head. So, the first thing I see when my eyes open is blackness..furry, purring blackness.

So, I get up and we kiss good morning..I'm thinking.."she's in a good mood today..great! Maybe she won't attack me or the tree before I head off to work." WRONG.

We get up ..I release Bella from the bedroom/cat prison and we head out to the kitchen for breakfast. I have cheerios..which I am forced to share with her because if I don't she will just cram her head into the bowl and then nobody's happy. So, I eat a spoonful..she gets one cheerio..repeat...until bowl is empty..then she finishes the milk .

After that, I get ready to work out. Now, normally..when I work out..Bella does too. By that I mean, when I do push ups...she's busy biting my hands..when I do my lunges, she bites my feet...when I lift weights..she unties my she's reallly getting quite a work out. BUT, today..she ignored me for the most part. I should have known then that something was up..she was plotting.

I had thrown a load of laundry in to wash up some things and after my work out..I went out to get the things I needed for work. When I took out my top..the entire left sleeve had come unsewn..from the top to the bottom..only the thread that used to hold the sleeve together was still hanging from the shirt.

So..I'm hot from working out and hot that my shirt is ripped and I have 5 minutes to fix it. I go inside to locate the sewing kit..Bella follows me around the house..I'm thinking "5 minutes..I can fix this hit the shower and still make it to work on time..she's thinking "5 minutes..I can tear her and this place apart and still catch a nap!" And that's when it started.

As I was bent over in the floor looking in the side table drawer...I never saw what hit was a complete went something like "SWISH!! BAM!! FLUMP!!!" It only took about 3 seconds and it was over..but it was awful.

What happened was this: Bella bolted into the den seeing the open drawer as a springboard to the curtains...she leapt up on the drawer...jumped onto the curtain...reached up and grabbed the mini blind and fell back into the drawer with the blinds on top of her and then hit the floor..the blinds then crashed on to the floor beside me! I was so frightened that she was dead..I didn't even spank her. She was too stunned to be frightened..I just grabbed her and held her for a couple of minutes while we both tried to calm down.

So, then I hung the blinds back up and she's watching me..thinking "ah ha! You may have won this time blinds..but I'll be back!"

I eventually found the sewing kit..sewed up my sleeve ..locked up the cat in the prison..and made it to work. It's a miracle either one of us are alive. I told you a glimpse was enough..


Tonight when I talked to Bryan..she was on top of the refrigerator..purring..and refusing to come down.


Unknown said...

I'm laughing at work over this! It's awesome fun! (but I still don't like cats...for reasons you already know!)

Kerri said...

I did not know you could spank a cat. Interesting.