Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Greetings! It's been a long time since I've written....a sign we're too busy.
Since the last writing..I turned 40! It was amazing..first of all I didn't wake up dead...with a beard...or I didn't turn into a man! For my husband treated me to a day doing whatever I was great! I got to go home to Tuscaloosa and see some very special was wonderful seeing everyone again. Bryan is still doing an amazing job juggling working full time and attending classes in law school three nights a week..he's really working hard. I know it will pay off one's just really hard right now. Some people think we're crazy...selling our home...moving to two different cities where we knew nobody...starting back to school in our 30's.....working two jobs each...and switching careers in mid-life...they're right..only a crazy person would do that.
You'd have to be a little crazy to think it would work...but actually it takes a lot of courage and team work. To start with....this adventure didn't happen over came after many,many months of soul searching. After the explosion where three of Bryan's co-workers died...we knew we weren't where we wanted to be but we had no clue what we wanted to do. That's kind of how it know you're not where you want to be....that's easy to know...the hard part is figuring out what you're all about. We hear from so many sources..."you should do's got great..fill in the blank" but if it's not what you're happy'll be miserable. I know all about that. Being a naturally gifted musician does not make one a happy teacher. I love's what I've done all of my's a part of who I am..but not all. I chose education because it was "safe"...a better option than performance at the time. The degree has served us well providing a stable income and insurance but it also provided me with years and years of stress that made me very unhappy. Yes I met some amazing people in my students and fellow teachers...that I will never regret..ever. But the fact is..I always felt like an impostor because it wasn't who I really was just something I did.. Bryan and I have talked about it a lot..when we first started trying to discover new "careers" instead of just new jobs..we researched a lot of memories and books and came across an amazing book by Po Bronson titled "What should I do with my life?" and it's full of people who left very prosperous careers because there was a void that no large bank account could ever fill. But when they discovered what they were interested in..what makes them tick...they were filled with an excitement and happiness and peace. That's what we discovered...when I first started broadcast was after a long heart-felt search into what do I enjoy doing more than anything..hello!!!...talking! No one loves "dirt" more than I getting the scoop on someone. My elementary report cards ALWAYS said "talks too much" on there and that's actually a compliment. Ha! But it's not always clear after high school at 18 years old to know what you want to do with the rest of your life..sometimes it takes some moment that makes you question your existence to make you realize that there's more to what you're doing everyday. I felt a fire in my belly I've never felt anywhere else the very first moment I walked in to WVUA and it's never left. Bryan found his passion after many sleepless nights and questions about what's life is all about. So many times people would call him for advice..counseling...various things about their most important times ...crucial decisions....looking for "wise counsel"..and it finally occurred to him that's his looking at us you wouldn't know it....but he has the ability to see clearly for other people and that's huge. Going to court one day he came back with his fire lit and he said "I found it! A lawyer!" He remembered back in high school that he was considering that and someone somewhere mentioned something negative about it and squashed that dream..this is important to note...there are going to be a lot of dream stealers...usually people who haven't figured out their thing yet...but don't let that stop you from finding yours...just keep searching...reading...talking ...remembering what you're all about.. Key point...if you would do it for free...if it's the first thing you think about doing when you wake up in the morning...that's probably it!! I worked for 2 years at the station for no money while still working my day job..I worked every weekend..every holiday..and some sick and personal days...just to be where I felt alive..what is the thing that moves you? Is it painting? Teaching? Singing? Helping others? Cooking? We live in an amazing can actually be anything you want to be if you are willing to work hard. Did I miss being at home on the weekends? Yes! But I knew it was going to pay off. The third year at the station I was paid for doing something I loved! It was the best feeling! Wasn't paid a lot..but what I gained in experience was priceless! The point will find success when you find what you do best...listen to yourself..make a list of what it's NOT...seriously...write it down..look at it.. if you can intern somewhere or shadow someone who's into what you're'll do yourself a great favor because you'll be in the "atmosphere" of what you're considering doing. Don't make these changes without that component because had I done my student teaching the very first semester of college I might not have lost so many years. Right now I'm not where I want to be...still not on the air..miss that with every fiber of my being..but I'm closer than I've ever been and believe me it's going to happen somewhere . Bryan is quickly becoming a very important part at his place...he's going do to great many's just who he is and now he'll get paid for doing something that brings him much joy and fulfillment. So to all you seekers out doesn't happen over night..the explosion was May 11, 1999...this is October 31 2007...8 years later..but it's just the beginning!
God Bless,