Monday, November 30, 2009

Giving Thanks

Wow! What an awesome Thanksgiving! We got to go home and see our folks and enjoy time with them and some wonderful, delicious food. Then on Saturday, we did it all again with Bryan's entire family. We are so blessed!

Over the holiday, it occured to me that I haven't been as thankful as I should be.

Lots of changes coming our way this next year and none of it would be possible without an entire support team: our family. Everyone we saw on Thanksgiving has in some way helped Bryan and me the past 6 1/2 years. From sending food, hiding money in the refrigerator..(true story!) , giving us cars, to just being there on the other end of the phone when things get crazy!
There have also been many friends who have done some very special things to help us and for that we are so grateful.

As we were leaving Tuscumbia, we did what we always do..drove through our old neighborhood and looked at our old house. It was the first and only home we have owned. Since then we've been knowing where we would land next so it's just been easier to do.

And as we were driving through our old neighborhood..we saw a for sale sign in our yard.

I would have loved to jump out and gone "back home" for just a few minutes anyway.'s just not where we belong right now. Bryan quickly reminded me of that. When we decided to get "new lives" it unfortunately came with a big price: we had to give up our "old life" and leave all our family behind home. I have felt like a woman without a country so to speak the last 6 1/2 years. Living in limbo stinks! I know..home is where your heart is..and mine is certainly with Bryan. But..we are so ready to be finished with this part and have a place to call home. 358 days left until he finishes..and then we'll be headed somewhere else.

As this year winds down and a new one moves on to the horizon..I wonder what it holds?

I pray for health and happiness for all our family and friends. Of course, I'm also praying for jobs that will allow us to make a difference and live our dreams.

But, as I get ready to enter the "final" year of the journey..I'm reminded that I should be so thankful.

Thankful for Jesus dying for me and for God's unconditional love,

For faith,

For Bryan,

For our family,

For friends,

For my 3 little furry kids,

For health,

For a warm place to sleep, nutritious food, functioning cars, warm clothes,

For a job,

For hope and dreams of something better.

AND, if you're reading this, I would be so thankful for your prayers.

God Bless you and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


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