Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's September 11th...the sixth year anniversary of the the terrorist attacks against our great country. I was in the middle of teaching class at a middle school when it happened...in rural Alabama. I really wasn't even sure what the world trade center towers were...but it didn't take long to figure out what had happened was bad and our world as we knew it would never be the same. The Principal had a school meeting with all the students, teachers and staff on the front lawn and we had prayer. All I could do the rest of the day was watch the t.v.waiting for another attack...and when school was finally out..I rushed home the 97 miles to be with Bryan. I didn't know what might happen next and I didn't want to be away from him just in case something happened. We have gotten used to "remembering" 9-11 but I have a feeling that those who were actually in the buildings or had loved ones who perished don't "remember"...they are living it. Something like that changes your core being..like your DNA or something else deep inside and you're never the same. While the rest of us look at the weeping people at today's memorial...I wonder as they look out at us through the tears what they must be thinking. I wonder if they think..why me? I know there are times I think that about my life and the
problems I've faced. They have survived and gone on with their lives but there is something different...we as a country must never forget that when those planes ripped through the glass and metal...and when the plane hit the ground in Pennsylvania...and when the plane struck the Pentagon...thousands of people lost their lives and many more are still paying the price missing them daily. Had a very special guest on my show today...A retired NYPD officer who was at ground zero the day it happened. He drives a school bus now..his life is going on, too. But I must say that when I looked at his face and looked into his eyes..I saw something...a hero. He's not on a football field making millions of dollars..he's not on a VMA award show trying for a comeback..he's just an average ordinary man who went to work that day and ended up becoming a hero. While I wait on my husband to come home from Law school...I pray this prayer: God Bless America, the 9-11 victims, the family members left behind and the soldiers who are now fighting to keep it from happening again.

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