Sunday, July 31, 2011

Life is like a train track part II

Part II:

Once we were back on the air, we stayed on until after 11pm that first night, churning out the latest information for food, shelter, help, anything people might need to know. To say we were all exhausted, would not even come close, and yet, sleep would not equal rest for many weeks.

Something strange was growing in our newsroom..nobody seemed to know what day it was, and we all had the same look in our eyes..kind of a zombie-like/what has just happened look. Every day since then, we have been wrapped up in that tornado in some fashion. We started in rescue/recovery, to where we are now, rebuilding.

For the first week after, we wrote on a big dry-erase board hanging on the wall: "Today is _______", because we got tired of asking each other again and again, "what day is it?" Time essentially stopped Wednesday, April 27th at 5:13 p.m. Hundreds of peoples from all parts of the city were living in a park rec-room, most of our student interns had to leave, get away from the was simply too much to bear.

Fast-forward to three months later and things are getting better. I no longer have that feeling of panic in my chest like, " where am I?" when I drive down the street to get home. That happened a lot the first few weeks..on the roads I had driven down for months, I would feel lost and then frightened for moments..then I would realize, okay, I know where I am. We brought counselors on our show to talk to our viewers about grief, loss, recovery, patience, feeling lost, you name it, they talked about it.

The reason I wanted to share this, is because if you have experienced these same things, I want you to know it will be okay, things will get better.

"Life is like a train track" comes from one of my favorite preachers, Adrian Rogers. He said we get the good and the bad at the same time some times..and he was right. April 27th started out as the happiest day of our life, since our wedding day..and then it became one of the saddest just hours later.

We eventually did celebrate Bryan passing the bar, but every thing in our life has so much more meaning. We take nothing for granted. Our shelter, food, clothing, everything is so much sweeter. We also have a renewed appreciation for our family. April 27th could have been the day we found out Bryan passed the bar and also the last day we were on the earth. But, thankfully it was not. We are still here, God has something for us to we continue down the train track, with a few scrapes, but still moving forward to a new life.


**the photo is the last thing I saw on the air before the power went out in the studio. I work right in front of the stadium, and we thought the tornado was headed directly for us, we all took cover on the set and braced for the worst.

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