Friday, May 8, 2009

Wheel of Plagues?

Hello friends, hope this finds you doing well.
Bryan and I have been away for a while..a lot of things have happened since I last wrote you.
Let's see...since December we've had: a broken tooth, a broken transmission, a repaired tooth, a repaired transmission, two flat tires, a new tire, an absess with serious infection leading to emergency surgery followed by 4 long days in a hospital..shall I go on or is that enough?
Bryan says it's like there's a "wheel of plagues..let's spin and see what comes up next?" NOT FUNNY!! You know though, the way it all worked out..the tooth and car were both repaired before we ended up in the hospital..God's perfect timing. And..Bryan and I were both able to stay home for two weeks while he recovered thanks to our Bosses at work. What would we have done without Home Health and family? Thanks to them..And God.. we've made it almost through to the other side. I learned I am not a good patience. I like things to move on my schedule..waiting patiently is something I haven't learned to do well. Maybe God is teaching me something about that...when we were held hostage in Jackson Hospital, we had to wait for everything..nurses, doctors, meals, reports, and finally release. Waiting for everyone else to fit us into their schedule..NOT my cup of tea. I like to get up and go and move things and be done...but you're at the mercy of those folks when you're held captive like that. The hospital staff survived our did we. Bryan is recovering nicely and should wrap up his 3rd year of law school in another week. On the WAKA front: I've been busy as to do two live shows, cover a freak snow storm and an EF1 tornado..lots of fun well as producing two shows and APing a third one every night. Mother stayed a week or so and I slept a large portion of her tired with everything we're doing. Bryan swears it will all pay off one day...counting down to that day..he graduates December 2010 and that's what I'm looking to..a year and a half and then we're free to go anywhere we want. Somewhere near water...not too hot though..done my time in the heat. Want to go where there's a beautiful old downtown with an old white church, where Bryan can hang a shingle out front and practice downtown ..maybe off the "square"..and I can anchor the news and tell everyone who won the Mrs. Senior Citizen Pageant down at the local Nursing home!! Oh well, someday..meanwhile..following some interesting blogs you might want to know in particular I would like for you to's about our pastor's daughter-in-law Katherine. She suffered an AVM (stroke in her brain stem) a little over a year ago..and her story is amazing. She should not have survived but she did. I call her "the most beautiful girl in the world"..inside and out. You can see her entire story at katherinewolf.blogspot or read her mom's at Check it will humble you..if not something is seriously wrong with you. She was on her way...beautiful, young, healthy, married to the man of her dreams, new baby, becoming an actress, and them out of the blue one day..she's brought to her knees and almost dies...a 16 hour surgery and her blood replaced 5 times...she lived though and has fought her way back every single day..even writes her own blog with ONE hand. ONE hand...and encourages everyone through every word. And when you read it, pray for her and her family..she's coming back slowly and when she is completely healed..because God will bring her back stronger than before..she will soar! I'll try to write again when I get a second...or two. In the meantime..pray for us..we'll pray for you.

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