Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Baby! Bryan turns the big 3-8 today!!! I'm so proud of him! He's managed to complete another stellar term in law school while working full time at a law firm..quite an accomplishment! My birthday wish for him is to have a healthy and happy 2008..that's my wish for all of you. I've learned something over the last couple of years...the most important wishes can't be and happiness. Yes, we can work on our health issues..but true happiness can't be found within a comes from within your heart. Someone to love and to love you..a family who thinks you're wonderful..those things aren't available at your local discount store...they come from above..from our heavenly Father. As I think about my birthday boy..I know each day is a gift with him and I hope to have many, many more. Here's hoping you'll find your "gift" in 2008 if you haven't already...and when you do...remember to cherish him or her like a rare treasure because that's what your soul mate is...the completion of your heart.
Happy Birthday Bryan!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Janie and Bryan! Happy Belated birthday too! Hope you have had a Merry Christmas today and maybe we can see each other soon.

Love ya,
